May 22, 2014

Hellooooo 2020!

Ho Ho Ho
Ha Ha Ha
In 2020, Simone will
Blah Blah Blog
Now, for anyone reading
Since the holidays are proceeding
And we’re saying goodbye to a tough (for too many) fall
Here’s to the new year … More Joy & Less Oy … for all!!

  • FALL SCREENING INFO for the award-winning

    Yes, this “Bitch” is back! (I “play” a bitch in this comedy)! If you’re in the NYC area 9/21 … please come take a red carpet pic with us (after you’ve had your share of wine & cheese, of course)! And/or join us on Facebook Live! And, if in the Jersey City Area, absolutely please join us on the red carpet for some picture-taking abuse, I mean … fun, on the 24th. Info is below on both incredible film fests! Love me some New Filmmakers & Golden Door!! Happy fall, ya’ll!! xo Simone for updated screening info!


    Wed, Sept 21
    7:30pm FREE Wine & Cheese Reception–Red Carpet/Meet the Cast & Crew
    8:15pm  “Mother of the Week” Screening
    After the screening:  FACE BOOK LIVE Cast and Crew Interview on the Red Carpet 
    Anthology Film Archives
    2nd Ave and 2nd Street, NYC
    $7 tix at the door (box office opens at 5:30pm)

    Golden Door International Film Festival

    Sat, Sept 24
    3pm   Red Carpet and Meet the Cast & Crew
    3:30pm  “Mother of the Week” Screening (Block 38)
    @ JCTC Merseles Studio
    339 Newark Ave
    Jersey City, NJ

    For $10 tix:

  • Summer Stage News

    “SHEILA & ANGELO” Fringe On!
    August 16, 19, 22, 25, & 27
    64 E 4th or

    I’m thrilled to be part of (well, 3 parts of:-) the NYC premiere of Nick Raio’s romantic comedy with a dark twist, “SHEILA & ANGELO” … during the 20th Anniversary season of the New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC)! Directed by Michelle Kristine Best, (who truly lives up to her name), “S&A” stars the genuinely brilliant Danny Grimaldi, who leads our cast that I’m so honored to be working with, (well, besides that one cast mate … kidding☺ they’re all absolutely amazing) through laughs and tears!

    *And the laughs and tears aren’t even over the fact that apparently I’m the ‘youngster’ in this heartfelt comedy wrapped around a retirement community in Boca Raton☺!

    Dan Grimaldiphoto2

    Pictured here… Danny Grimaldi our ‘Angelo’ & a sneak peak
    @ a scene from rehearsal featuring Lynda Rodolitz, our ‘Sheila’ + Judy Bruno Bennett & myself (as two of the few broads we play) attempting something you may or may not see performed☺!

    (Ok, ok … I admit that I’m not that much less ‘mature’ than the rest of the cast, however I will also admit that I may have ‘borrowed’ a bit for a certain character … from a certain character or 2 residing in a certain Boca condo I’ve been spending treasured time in)!

    Hope to catch you getting your Fringe On @ 64 E. 4th / Main Stage
    Tix are on sale via the links above!



    Red Carpet fun w/ some of our “MOTHER OF THE WEEK” cast


    On location w/the incredible John Quiñones & Joseph Paul Kennedy for ABC’s “WHAT WOULD YOU DO?”


    I’m a huge fan of John Quiñones & Primetime “WHAT WOULD YOU DO?”! Needless to say, (but I’m sayin’) it was an honor, as well as serious fun, working with the amazing WWYD team and being part of the 2016 season-premiere ep!
    Major thanx to Mark J Parker, Tarik Flannagan, & crew for the awesome adventures! (And major apologies to Cristina Conomos Kennedy☺ for any/all things I did/said in scenes with her super-talented son … Joseph Paul Kennedy)!

    The description above from the ABC line up says it all.




    I admit it … I’m a bitch. Well, I ‘play’ a real one, (wink wink) on screen in the award-winning comedic short, “MOTHER OF THE WEEK”, which has been doing well in both Short Film & Pilot categories @ a variety of recent film festivals. Thanx & congrats to the multi-talented Jennifer Jiles, Mark Lobene, Fred Stroppel, Adrienne Paxton, Lee Davis, & team! It’s been a blast being your “bitch”!


    “MOTHER OF THE WEEK” is screening again soon on the East Coast!
    For those ‘game’ to hang with our cast & crew near slots &/or blackjack☺, please join us in Atlantic City @ The Garden State Film Festival. Or, if a screening in Queens is more your style, we’re also an official selection of the Queens World Fest! * For Updated Screening info;

    **Spoiler Alert: A couple of my scenes from MOTW featuring the brilliantly hilarious Jennifer Jiles & Steven Cutts can be seen on my comedy & general reel pages, (under REELS) &/or by clicking on the IMDB link.


© 2025 Simone Lazer. Website by James Webber.